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Access your server files

Druid provides multiple ways to upload and edit all the files of your deployment. You can use the very famous FTP or the more modern HTTP-based WebDAV protocol.

Using SFTP

FTP is probably the most famous way to interact with remote files. We are using the secure FTP or SFTP variation, which uses SSH to transfer files encrypted between server and client. It is supported by every major FTP client.

You can find your SFTP IP address and port number in the Druid deployment dashboard:

SFTP ip in Druid Dashboard

Important: Make sure you select the SFTP-protocol in you FTP client. (Compare to Filezilla example below)

Account Credentials

The username and password for FTP are the same as in the Druid app. This means the username is your email and the password just you normal password

Discord Registration

If you used Discord for registration, you must set a password before you can connect via SFTP.

1. Press your user icon at the bottom left of the website

Press user icon

2. Set your Password

set password

Filezilla example

Let's have a quick look at a practical example on how to connect using the Filezilla FTP-client.

1. Open the Site Manager

Select Site Manager

2. Configure connection

Select Site Manager

Here it is important to set the following fields:

  • Protocol: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol
  • Host: Host Ip from Druid Dashboard
  • Port: Host Port from Druid Dashboard
  • Logon Type: Select Normal to also save the password on your machine.
  • User: The email address, you used to sign up for Druid.
  • Password: The password you also use to log into the Druid App.

3. Connect!

If you get promted about the unknown server identity, you can just press Ok.

Select Site Manager

After that you should be connected. If not error will be shown in the Filezilla console. Usually you should find all your files in the deployment-folder.

Select Site Manager

Supported FTP-clients for every OS

  • Filezilla - Very famous FTP client

    • OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS
  • WinSCP - Also widely use, but windows only

    • OS: Windows
  • Cyberduck

    • OS: Windows, MacOS

You can also find a very comprehensive list on Wikipedia

Using WebDAV

Using WebDAV is similar to using FTP, the username and password authentication is the same.

If you are considering WebDAV, you are probably more experienced and have a special need for using it.

Generally you can follow the FTP-guide, just make sure you use a client that supports the WebDAV protocol.